Horse Curriculum Level 4: Riding the Range

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Horse Curriculum Level 4: Riding the Range


This is a revised (2015) edition of the traditional 4-H Horse curriculum! It contains the same titles as the first set of Horse books, but with new content and improved ease of use. Level 4: Riding the Range teaches youth nine basic riding skills and ten horsemanship skills, training techniques, trail riding and selection and use of tack. 72 pages.These books contain all the information from the old horse books, as well as new content, listed below:

  • Content has been reviewed by equine experts to ensure materials reflect the most current research of the land-grant system.
  • Activities were updated (as needed) to make sure they follow the experiential learning model and scientific inquiry process.
  • Activities were updated to make sure they fit current youth trends (social media, web resources, etc.)
  • Career readiness/exploration components added, as needed and as applicable.
  • Alignment to science standards included.
  • Fresh new look and feel of the curriculum, with additional space for youth to write and reflect on what they are learning.
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Horse Curriculum Level 4: Riding the Range
